
Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education in Europe

Survey on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education in Europe 1200 630 ide3a

As part of the ide3a project, we are conducting the first Europe-wide survey on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education. The aim is to establish an overview of which teaching formats will be preferred in post-pandemic scenarios, and to explore the factors which shape related attitudes.

The results of the survey will be used as a base for different teaching formats within ide3a and related research on their ability to foster international mobility. For more information or questions you may have, feel free to Prof. Andrea Cominola or ide3a research assistant Margaux Huth.

ide3a is looking for participants – both on the student level as on the teaching staff side.

Participate now and share this survey with your colleagues and students – among all participants we will give away three one-year Blinkist subscriptions! If you want to help us by sharing your experience follow the link below.