
3rd ide3a conference recapped

3rd ide3a conference recapped 1593 782 ide3a

After several years of travel restrictions due to the global COVID-19 pandemic the ide3a network is proud to announce that its 3rd annual conference was successfully concluded from the October 24 till 25  as the first in-person meeting in Berlin. While complying to applicable COVID-19 measurements the conference was attended by 21 partners representing the various partner universities and institutions such as CUT Cracow, DCU Dublin, NTNU Trondheim, HPI Potsdam, and TU Berlin to wrap up the third year of the ide3a project and to provide an overview of the on-going developments in the ide3a project focusing on several aspects regarding the three pillars of the ide3a project: e-learning, e-mobility and e-research. Opportunities of future collaborations where discussed as well.

One of the highlights of the conference was the presentation of ConnectiCity which is a serious game on urban water networks and interconnected infrastructure. Despite the game still being under development by a research group of the ide3a team the game already shows a promising potential regarding its teaching purposes receiving not only positive but also insightful feedback from the participants of the conference to tune the further development of the game. The goal is to release ConnectiCity as an open-source game allowing students to get a grasp about the relation between urban water networks and urban mobility while also allowing the students as well as teaching personnel to customize the settings of the game.

Each day was completed with a get-together event allowing to wind down and catch up with old acquaintances but also established new social networks between the partners. We would like to thank everyone for their attendance and hope to meet again soon.